Minor Program

Minor Degree program is an education program in the end of which the student who is successfully maintaining his/her licence degree at the same time receives a certificate. Minor Degree programs can be instructed during the licence programs in the same department as well as the licence programs in a different department.

Application Process:

Students can apply for the minor degree program between the third and the six semester of the licence program. The Minor Degree program applications are instructed by Registrar's Office.

Evaluation Process:

Applications to Minor Degree program can by done only by students who successfully completed all the credited courses in their licence program that they have taken until the application date (Being successful is not required in case courses were taken from the next years' curriculum). During the application process, the student's grade-point average must be at least 2,75 points.

Results and Notification:

Students who qualify for the Minor Degree program and whose applications are approved by the faculty management will be shown as accepted in announcements tab from the website: www.marmara.edu.tr  

For the Academic Calender, see: http://takvim.marmara.edu.tr/ 


Applicable Law:

Marmara University Double Major and Minor Degree Program Instructions


This page updated by German Language and Literature on 18.07.2019 15:07:07

German Language and Literature