Exchange programs

Under the agreements provided by the university and / or the department and abroad, our students can also study in Germany for a certain period of time in accordance with the agreement program. Such training programs, provided with special agreements and with the support of intergovernmental exchange programs, provide for the expansion of the underground visions that our students are trained in.





For informations related to exchange program, click here

(Für weitere Informationen klicken Sie bitte hier)

ERASMUS Coordinator: Dr. Serap DEVRAN


Universities we are in agreement with:








 University of Mannheim 





 Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz





 University of Paderborn





 Humboldt-University of Berlin





 Technical University Dortmund 





 Leibniz University Hannover 





 University of Duisburg-Essen





 Leipzig University





 Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt 





 Pécs University






Mevlana Exchange Program


For informations related to exchange program, click here

(Für weitere Informationen klicken Sie bitte hier)


Universities we are in agreement with:








 Azerbaijani Foreign Language University 






For outgoing students: More Info (Für Studenten die wegfahren)

For incoming students: More Info (Für Studenten die kommen)


For the curriculum of the department and the course list, click here.

(Für Lehrplan der Abteilung und Liste der Kurse, klicken Sie bitte hier.)


This page updated by German Language and Literature on 01.07.2021 12:19:39

German Language and Literature