Academic Staff





Prof. Dr. Acar SEVİM

Head of Department

Bachelor of Arts: Istanbul University, Department of German Literature and Linguistic, Istanbul

Doctorate: Istanbul University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of German Literature and Linguistic, Istanbul

Foreign Languages: German, English

Interests: Philology, German Literature and Linguistic




Prof. Dr. Leyla COŞAN

Vice-Head of Department

Bachelor of Education: Marmara University,  Atatürk Department of Education, Department of German Language Education, Istanbul

Master of Education: Marmara University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of German Literature and Linguistic, Istanbul

Doctorate: Istanbul University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of German Literature and Linguistic, Istanbul

Foreign Languages: German, English

Interests: Philology, German Literature and Linguistic





Prof. Dr. Yasemin Balcı

Bachelor of Education: Istanbul University Hasan Ali Yücel Department of Education, Istanbul

Master of Education: Istanbul University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Education, Istanbul

Doctorate: Marmara University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of German Literature and Linguistic, Istanbul

Foreign Languages: German, English

Interests:  Philology, German Literature and Linguistic





Prof. Dr. Gisella FERRARESİ

Bachelor of Arts: Ca'Foscari University, Department of German Literature and Linguistic, Venice, İtaly

Master of Arts: Ca'Foscari University, Department of German Literature and Linguistic, Venice, İtaly

Doctorate: Stuttgart University, Department of German Literature and Linguistic, Stuttgart, Germany

Foreign Languages: German, English, İtalian

Interests: Philology, German Literature and Linguistic





Assist. Prof. Dr. Penbeveş İclal CANKOREL  

Bachelor of Arts: Istanbul University Department of Literature, Department of German Literature and Linguistic, Istanbul

Master of Arts: Carleton University, Department of German Literature and Linguistic, Ottawa, Canada

Doctorate: Ankara University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of German Literature and Linguistic, Ankara

Foreign Languages:German, English, French, Russian, Italian

Interests: Philology, German Literature and Linguistic






Res. Ass. Dr. Serap DEVRAN 

Bachelor of Arts: Marmara University, Department of Arts and Science, Department of German Literature and Linguistic, Istanbul

Master of Arts: Marmara University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of German Literature and Linguistic, Istanbul

Doctorate: Marmara University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of German Literature and Linguistic, Istanbul

Foreign Languages: German, English

Interests:  German Literature and Linguistic





Res. Ass. Elvan YILMAZ GÜMÜŞ 

Bachelor of Arts: Marmara University, Department of Arts and Science, Department of German Literature and Linguistic, Istanbul

Master of ArtsMarmara University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of German Literature and Linguistic, Istanbul

Doctorate: -

Foreign Languages: German, English, French

Interests: Philology, German Literature and Linguistic, Comparative Literature





Res. Ass. Habib TEKİN 

Bachelor of Education: Mannheim University, Department of German and English Philology, Mannheim and Heidelberg, Germany

Master of Education : Mannheim University, Department of German and English Philology, Mannheim and Heidelberg, Germany

Doctorate: Marmara University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of German Literature and Linguistic, İstanbul

Foreign Languages: German, English, French

İlgi Alanları: Philology, German Literature and Linguistic, English Literature and Linguistic




Department Secretary

Cevahir ANIK




Instructors Lecturing In The Department



Assoc.Prof.Dr. Süeda ÖZBENT

Lecturer Andreas SCHMİDT

Lecturer Esma TEZCAN

 Lecturer Efkan MARIM



Prof.Dr. Sema UĞURCAN



Assist.Prof.Dr. Selman CAN

Dr. Elif KÖK



Lecturer Ercan GÜRVİT








Prof. Dr. Acar SEVİM (Head of Department): Extension: 1425; Room no: GZFA321; Email: asevim

Prof. Dr. Leyla COŞAN (Co-Head of Department): Extension: 1418; Room Number: GZFA329; Email: leylacosan 

Prof. Dr. Yasemin Balcı: Extension: 1422; Room Number: GZFA328; Email: yasemin 

Assist.-Prof.Dr. Penbeveş İclal CANKOREL: Extension: 1417; Room Number: GZFA326; Email: 

Res. Ass. Dr. Serap DEVRAN: Extension: 1419; Room Number: GZFA327; Email: serapdevran

Res. Ass. Elvan YILMAZ GÜMÜŞ: Extension: 1438; Room Number: GZFA324; Email: elvan.yilmaz 

Res. Ass. Habib TEKİN: Extension: 1425; Room no: GZFA321; Email: habib.tekin 


* should be added at the end of the email addresses







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